Letícia Betezek é um estudante de graduação estudar geologia na Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Curitiba, Brasil. Click here for the English version. A região chamada de Aparados da Serra, destino principal da viagem, se localiza na divisa dos municípios de Cambará do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul e Praia Grande – Santa Catarina, […]
women in science
Road trip a Aparados da Serra, Brazil with Letícia Betezek
Letícia Betezek is an undergraduate student studying geology at the Universidade Federal do Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil. Clique aqui para a versão em Português. The region called Aparados da Serra located on the border of the Brazilian cities of Cambará do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul and Praia Grande – Santa Catarina, was the main destination […]
A contrast of field work in Tibet and Patagonia with Devon Orme
Devon Orme is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. Her research focuses on sedimentary basins and the tectono-thermal history of orogenic systems. You can find out more about her at https://devonorme.com. As with many geologists, fieldwork is where my passion for studying Earth developed. In an undergraduate field methods course in the mountains of Big Sur, California, […]
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in Bighorn Basin, Wyoming with Allie Baczynski
Allie Baczynski is an organic geochemist interested in using the chemical signatures of biomarkers derived from ancient plants to reconstruct past landscapes and climate. She is currently a post-doctoral scholar at Penn State working to lower biomarker sample size requirements for isotope analysis. Today, the Bighorn Basin in north-central Wyoming is mostly badlands – dusty hills home to […]
A tour of the Kiglapait intrusion in Labrador with Anaïs Fourny
Anaïs Fourny is a Ph.D. candidate at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). Her research focuses on the radiogenic isotopic composition of the Kiglapait layered intrusion. When I arrived at UBC (Vancouver, Canada) in 2012, I […]