Xiaofang He is a Ph.D. student at China University of Geoscience Beijing, also doing joint Ph.D. study at the University of Adelaide. Her project is using a series of methods to invesitgate the Neoproterozoic crustal evolution of Sri Lanka associated with the amalgamation of Gondwana. Read more about Xiaofang’s research here. You can also find Chinese version […]
women in science
Gondwanan ancestry of the banks of the Blue Nile, Ethiopia with Morgan Blades
Morgan Blades is just finishing her PhD at The University of Adelaide on the Tectonic Evolution of the Western Shield, Ethiopia. She has also worked on the Neoproterozoic evolution of Oman and the Sahara Metacraton. She is a rock enthusiast having wanted to be a geologist since she was very little. Ethiopia is unique – […]
The Southern Indian roots of the last Tibet-scale mountain plateau with Diana Plavsa
Diana Plavsa is a geologist who completed her PhD at The University of Adelaide in 2014 where she was supervised by Prof Alan Collins and John Foden. Since then she has been a post-doc researcher at Curtin University working on the Capricorn Orogen. A PhD working in southern India sounds pretty good. You imagine beautiful […]
A pair of geologists in Bhutan: mountains, mafic ‘strings of sausages’ and making the most of it all.
Written by Eleni Wood, a PhD student at Open University. You can read more about Eleni’s research here. Bhutan is an absolute gem of a country, where progress is measured by Gross National Happiness, chili is considered a staple vegetable and the mountains dominate every view. In the late spring of 2017, I and Stacy […]
Understanding the eruptive history of Volcán Manantial Pelado, Chile with Heather Winslow
Heather Winslow completed her BA in environmental science at Willamette University followed by a year of post-baccalaureate work at Oregon State University. She’s in her first year of graduate school at the University of Nevada, Reno pursuing her MS in geology. Heather is interested in using geochemistry and igneous petrology to understand the internal plumbing […]