Sheree is a PhD candidate at The University of Adelaide researching the plate tectonics of supercontinent Gondwana in Madagascar and India. She recently demonstrated for an undergraduate field trip to Arkaroola in the Flinders Ranges. You can stay up to date with her research here and follow her on twitter @geoSheree The Flinders Ranges would have […]
women in science
Chasing an early bird of extension from Turkey with Derya Gürer
Derya Gürer has recently finished her PhD research at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, where she worked on a tectonic reconstruction of Central and Eastern Anatolia (present day Turkey) – as part of the Alpine-Himalayan orogen. You can read more about Derya’s research here and see her other TravelingGeologist adventures here. Back in the spring of 2013, […]
The history of Alpine geology from a Swiss mountain top with Anna Bidgood
Anna is a PhD student at Oxford University. You can read more about her adventures here. When George Mallory was asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, he replied “because it is there”. This approach to mountains and the ‘sublime’ has been present since the Victorian era when the infatuation with the Alps and glaciers truely […]
Tribute to the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft with Jani Radebaugh
Jani Radebaugh is a professor of planetary science at Brigham Young University. After completing her PhD at the University of Arizona working with images of Jupiter’s moon Io from the Galileo spacecraft, she has been researching Saturn’s moon Titan using images from the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft and lander. What follows are Jani’s day-by-day thoughts as the […]
Plate Tectonics in the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina with Erin Martin
Erin Martin is a PhD student studying at Curtin University in Perth with Professor Bill Collins and Professor Zheng-Xiang Li. Her work employs zircon geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope geochemistry to evaluate plate tectonic processes and paleogeography of the Neoproterozoic, with a focus on the orogens of Argentina and southern Brazil. Read more about her work […]