Backyard Geology ep.2 – Gold

So you wanna find gold in your backyard? Listen to find out how! Episode summary introduction:​ ​In this episode of Backyard Geology, Chris explores the precious mineral of gold! Do you think you can find gold in your backyard? Well, that depends… Find out why we care about gold so much in the first place […]

Backyard Geology ep.1 – Mammoths

Episode summary introduction:​ ​In this episode of Backyard Geology, Chris explores one of the largest mammals ever to walk this earth – Mammoths! He will discuss the evolutionary history, migration patterns, and finally extinction of this great species, as well as stories of people who actually have found mammoths in their backyards. Take a listen, […]

Geological Expeditions of Yore ep. 1 – Alfred Wegner

This episode of GEOY is dedicated to brilliant interdisciplinary scientist, and pioneer polar explorer Alfred Wegener, whose theory of continental drift shook the foundations of geology, paleontology, and biology research. While today continental drift and plate tectonics are firmly established concepts, when first proposed Alfred Wegener’s theory was ridiculed and received immense push-back by the scientific community. In this episode geology researchers Janne Liebmann and Bryant Ware take you on a science odyssey from initial rejection of Wegener’s ideas as a “geo fairy tale” to the accumulation of evidence that finally prompted its acceptance and laid the groundwork for the theory of plate tectonics.