Jake Lowenstern is currently the Project Chief for the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program. From 2002-2017, he served as Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. To study the interaction of magmas and their overlying hydrothermal systems, he applies techniques ranging from gas and and isotope geochemistry to igneous petrology to U-Th-Pb geochronology. A 1986 graduate of Dartmouth […]
Can CO2 trigger a thermal geyser eruption? with Bethany Ladd
Bethany Ladd was an MSc student working on the role dissolved gas pressure in geyser eruption with Dr. Cathy Ryan in Geoscience at the University of Calgary. They continue to work together unlocking the mysteries of dissolved groundwater gases with a number of applications. In Yellowstone, a visitor curious about geysers might read a sign […]