BYG International Pilgrimage ep. 3 – Scotland: Chasing Deep Time

In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you to Scotland where foundations for modern geology were laid. In the late 18th century, naturalists seeking to explain the landscapes around them started to propose radical ideas about the origins of rocks and the cycling of Earth’s materials. Tune in to hear about the people, places […]

BYG International Pilgrimage Ep. 2 – Iceland: Succession at its Finest

In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you to Iceland to see the early stages of geologic succession in action. As one of the youngest nations in the world, geologically speaking, of course, Iceland showcases fresh geologic processes as an active volcanic island. Tune in to learn about what makes Iceland a great place […]

BYG International Pilgrimage Ep. 1 – Svalbard: Changing Landscapes

In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you 80 degrees north to the archipelago of Svalbard. Here, the cryosphere speaks to the effects of global warming and researchers can observe our changing world. As a change from our usual programing, it’s what sits on top of the rocks that is the hot topic, or, […]

Geoscience Communication with Lucía Pérez-Díaz

Do you enjoy learning new things in all fields of geosciences? Do you have a soft spot for shenanigans? Then this podcast is just for you! In this podcast, Dr B. interviews interesting geoscientist with interesting stories. To skip the game jump to minute 5:00 Resources mentioned in this episode: Go back and listen to […]