Episode summary introduction: “How old is the Earth?” Generations of scholars have asked this fundamental question, and estimates ranged from a few thousand years to indefinite time spans. Geologic and biologic observations from the 18th and 19th centuries (like Darwin’s theory of evolution and Hutton’s concept of deep time) suggested that Earth was old – but […]
The Geology Podcast Network is a source for geology news, career highlights, and insights by experts in the field from around the world.
Fieldwork with Chris Spencer
Episode summary introduction: In this episode Dr B. interviews, the original traveling geologist himself, Assistant Prof. Chris Spencer. Chris shares how the initiative of traveling geologist started during his PhD studies in St. Andrews, and also, his love for one of the most fascinating parts of our job: fieldwork. During this Gneiss chats episode, […]
Backyard Geology ep.7 – Oil
Episode summary introduction: In this episode of Backyard Geology, Chris explores oil found right in people’s backyards. Finding oil in your backyard depends on a host of variables that all need to align perfectly. From the hill billies who struck oil and moved to Beverly Hills to the oil dowsers of the Appalachians, oil has […]
Geological Expeditions of Yore ep.7 – Tanya Atwater
Episode summary introduction: This episode of GEOY explores the incredible and inspiring life of notable geologist Tanya Atwater, the Mother of Plate Tectonics. Geologists Mikaela Moore and Gillian Ivey discuss Atwater’s life from a young age, through her major discoveries regarding the theories of plate tectonics, obstacles and discrimination faced as a woman in science […]
Supercontinents with Erin Martin
Episode summary introduction: The guest of this episode of Gneiss chats is Dr. Erin Martin a research fellow from Monash University in Melbourne. Dr. B. interviews Erin about supercontinents: what they are, how they form, and what are the plate-scale mechanism and processes related to the movement of the landmasses forming supercontinents. Erin loves […]