Geologists have eyes for the subsurface, and that is especially true for geophysicists like Dr. Fiona Darbyshire who studies the complicated structure of Earth’s crust. Parts of the Canadian prairies hide the remnants of an ancient, colossal mountain building event, preserved in the crust. Dr. Darbyshire explains how geologists study these events by examining the […]
The Geology Podcast Network is a source for geology news, career highlights, and insights by experts in the field from around the world.
The Gneiss Chats Christmas Special
Dr. B was visited by the three spirits of Christmas to be reminded of all we’ve learned in this podcast so far about the past, present and future of our planet. Sing along with the Geo-themed carol (for Full lyrics visit 12 Days of GeoXmas On the (First trhough Twelfth) day of ChristmasMy geo friends […]
BYG Canada ep. 4 – Regina, Saskatchewan: The Big Puzzle
In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you to Regina, Saskatchewan to explore one of the greatest puzzles in Canadian geologic history. The Trans-Hudson Orogeny was a massive Paleoproterozoic mountain building event that built a large portion of North America. Over a billion years of erosion now conceals the Himalaya-sized event in the flat […]
BYG Canada ep. 3 – Sudbury Bonus Episode with Catherine Farrow
Geology students: this is NOT an episode to miss! Check out Serena’s talk with geologist and businesswoman extraordinaire Dr. Catherine Farrow. In this bonus episode of Backyard Geology: Canada Edition, Dr. Farrow shares her experiences working alongside mining companies and her rich career history here in Canada.
BYG Canada ep. 3 – Sudbury, Ontario: A Geologic Scar
Episode summary introduction: In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you to Sudbury, ON where a massive meteorite impact 1.85 billion years ago left an economically significant scar on the terrane. Now one of the top global producers of nickel, Sudbury’s owes it fame to Earth’s own natural smelting event that brought precious metals […]