Bentonite formation in Bavaria with Mathias Köster

Mathias Köster is a geologist and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Engineering Geology, Technische Universität München. His passion for clay and industrial mineral deposits has taken him from the Bavarian countryside to the Basin and Range province in Arizona, always looking for interesting rocks. He applies various methods, with a focus on X-ray diffraction […]

The Ediacaran of Namibia with Amelia Penny

Amelia Penny is a second-year PhD student at the University of Edinburgh’s School of GeoSciences. She is working on the palaeoecology of early calcified animals in the Nama Group, and redox conditions across the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. She occasionally blogs at Life in Deep Time about geology, deep time and science in general. The late Ediacaran Period […]

Giant Asteroid Impacts with Prof. Don Lowe

Searching for Evidence of Giant Asteroid Impacts on the Early Earth Don Lowe is the Max Steineke Professor in Earth Sciences at Stanford University. Much of his research focuses on rocks older than 3.0 billion-years-old and aims to use sedimentary principles to investigate early surface environments, the nature and role of early organisms, the role of […]