Daniel Pastor-Galán is a geologist interested in plate tectonics in general. His research focuses in formation of mountain belts and global tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the Earth. He is especially interested in the formation of oroclines, which are map scale curvature in mountain belts and in the formation and evolution of supercontinents. He tries […]
Author: Christopher Spencer
A tour of the Kiglapait intrusion in Labrador with Anaïs Fourny
Anaïs Fourny is a Ph.D. candidate at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). Her research focuses on the radiogenic isotopic composition of the Kiglapait layered intrusion. When I arrived at UBC (Vancouver, Canada) in 2012, I […]
An ocean of Neoproterozoic granite in Brazil with Fabiana Richter
Fabiana Richter is a PhD student at the University of Rochester. You can stay up to date with her research here. If you have ever seen pictures of the natural wonders of Brazil, you probably have seen a picture of the Sugar Loaf in the Rio de Janeiro City. It turns out that hundreds of Sugar Loafs […]
Human drought in the Anthropocene with Anne Van Loon
Anne Van Loon is a Lecturer at the University of Birmingham. Her research is focused on catchment hydrology and hydrogeology. She studies the relationship between climate, landscape/geology, and hydrological extremes and its variation around the world. She is especially interested in the influence of storage in groundwater, human activities, and cold conditions (snow and glaciers) on the […]
The Troodos Ophiolite in Cyprus with Michael Anenburg
Michael Anenburg is a PhD student in the Research School of Earth Sciences of the Australian National University. He is a regular contributor to OnCirculation, the blog of the school. His research focuses on using field observations and experimental petrology to study the PGE (platinum-group elements) in sulfide ore deposits, the REE (rare earth elements) […]