TravelingGeologist is expanding our reach to the world of short films about our adventures in the field. Our first instalment of TGTV is from a recent trip that Chris Spencer, Carl Hoiland, Martin Danišík, and Hisatoshi Ito took to the Japanese Alps. Enjoy!
Author: Christopher Spencer
Incipient charnockites of southern India with Eleanore Blereau
Eleanore Blereau is nearing the end of her PhD at Curtin University, Australia (expected completion early 2017). Eleanore likes to work on metamorphic rocks, especially interesting and challenging rocks with minerals such as sapphirine and osumilite. She has experience using multidisciplinary data to evaluate the P–T–t evolution of high-grade metamorphic rocks (petrography, SIMS U–Pb, LA-ICP-MS REE, THERMOCALC) from places […]
Viagem a Aparados da Serra, Brazil com Letícia Betezek
Letícia Betezek é um estudante de graduação estudar geologia na Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Curitiba, Brasil. Click here for the English version. A região chamada de Aparados da Serra, destino principal da viagem, se localiza na divisa dos municípios de Cambará do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul e Praia Grande – Santa Catarina, […]
Road trip a Aparados da Serra, Brazil with Letícia Betezek
Letícia Betezek is an undergraduate student studying geology at the Universidade Federal do Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil. Clique aqui para a versão em Português. The region called Aparados da Serra located on the border of the Brazilian cities of Cambará do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul and Praia Grande – Santa Catarina, was the main destination […]
Gondwanan tectonics in India with Sheree Armistead
Sheree is a PhD candidate at The University of Adelaide researching the plate tectonics of supercontinent Gondwana in Madagascar and India. You can stay up to date with her research here and follow her on twitter @geoSheree. Understanding how the Earth’s plate tectonics have evolved and changed over time has always fascinated me. When I was […]