This month I was lucky enough to again participate in the “Anatomy of an Orogeny” field course in the Alps with the University of St Andrews. Last year I had four posts outlining our transect from Milan, Italy to Berne, Switerzland (clockwise from upper left: Sesia-Lanzo, Ivrea Verbano, Flysch and Molasse, Helvetic Nappes).
This year we had great weather and a great group of students. Below left: me taking magnetic suseptibility measurements of a pyroxenite; right: a student who forgot his notebook in the minibus.
Blueschist from Quincenetto (glaucophane, garnet, jadite, phengite) |
Lago Blu and Cervino (Italian side of the Matterhorn) at Breuil Cervinia |
Acid mine drainage from Cu-Fe Cervette mine, Saint Marcel valley, Italy |
“Eve Verda” near the Chuc mine in the St Marcel valley. The left stream is coming from the Fe-Cu mine drainage in Cervette (above) and the right stream drains the Cu Chuc mine. The coloration of the left stream is due to saturation of sulfide minerals (pH = 2) whereas the right is due to copper (pH = 7.5). At the confluence, the mixing waters of different pH drives the composition into a supersaturated state causing the precipitation of an amorphous Cu hydroxide (Woodwardite). |
Our fearless leaders: Drs Ed Tipper and Tony Prave at Salanfe |
Dr Tipper collected an ice sample at Salanfe |
S-folds at Salanfe |
Reservoir at Salanfe |
I am loving the versatility of the iPhone to take timelapse shots. Adding a very simple and relatively cheap rotating tripod head (here), the effect is much more striking. Thanks to Camille for finding the music from Waylon Thorton (“Eight”).
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